
Showing posts from August, 2020

BREXIT, Money Cleaning and London

  Several people noted over 3 years ago that one of the primary reasons for the BREXIT move was to avoid this. AMLD5 is described here as it relates to formal Belgian implementation very recently. Some interesting notes on Professional football (soccer), which has become horribly corrupted across Europe, having been led from the top, literally, by the horrific FIFA bribery scandals involving many in a lot of countries. However, most importantly as it relates to BARXIT, the following is the issue which caused much concern in London several years ago once it became clear that the EU and OECD were set on "upgrading" the AML system of checks. This was calculated as likely to severely reduce business activities in certain areas with certain types of client. The following paragraph understates this perhaps too much (my emphasis). Basically it's about impacting money cleaning for criminal entities and arms dealings and Any Other Business they should so choose to be ...

Postal Voter Vaccines - President Fatborough

  Apparently in the USA 20% of postboxes are being removed now to stop citizens from post-voting. Anyone not Caucasian, over 40 and with Disposable Income of more than USD 54 k pa gets their legs tied together with high yield steel BALER WIRE. A BLACK GUY in Seattle or Chicago will have to own a helicopter to vote because Mike "Rapture" Pompeo will have ICE snipers out on the FREEWAYS. Both the GOPs and Tories must have worked out a long time ago that the "demographics are no good". Look at any Tory Party Conf. and it looks like a Tombola sale of funerary goods at a vast Old Peeps Home. One fully expects the next UK General Election to be won by a 78 year old called Yevgeny Bostchaenko with 93.7% of the popular vote. Never mind. A VAXEEN is available from the GRU. If you vote for President Fatborough McPorksnatch, you can have the Polomium (that's POLOMIUM with a EM, which gives off FAKE gamma rays) free version for only 40 Bitkopeks. Acc. Kiril Dimitriev (Seyc...

Chabad Kushner

This man Jared "Chabad" Kushner is in so deep with the bad boys, running things in the background (not for the US or it's people however, oh no) behind the front Clown, he could end up supporting a new bridge deck somewhere on an Interstate in Ohio if he puts a foot wrong. His old Pops was big, big pals with huge crook Netenyahu, who used to visit and sleep in J's room. Mr. Olear really goes to town with an intense fury on him here, quite rightly. This weird, dangerous little man is a pure shiny psycho-horror show in an expensive suit. Mobsters are always dangerous I suppose. "Perfectly willing to let friends and family die to get what he wants. He is the living embodiment of the 'banality of evil.' But then, despite being lamentably mediocre in every way, Jared Kushner was raised to believe that he’s better than everyone else. He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, despite four decades of overwhelming evidence to the contrary". ...