
Showing posts from October, 2020

Masked Corruption

In the same way that voters in certain parts of the US have no idea about what is really happening in the world or even their own country (Fox News-Sinclair land), people in Britain are similarly served. The Daily Mail comes up with a story the rest of the UK "Media" have almost completely ignored: The disgusting corruption behind "PPE" contracts given to chums and Tory friends, some of whom set up companies purely to get that public cash. Done in plain view. Parliament deadened and captured. Much, much more to come one they see this works and no consequences. Drip....Drip...Drip.... When a country depends upon the Daily Mail to try to save it's crumbling democratic system and processes, you know things are getting pretty bad. "The £6.75billion PPE debacle: Dossier reveals ministers UNDERBOUGHT then threw fortunes at protective clothing - much of which was overpriced or can never be used" www.daily...

Ultra Fast Driven Pre-Prepared FB Style Propaganda and Disinformation

  I dunno if peeps saw the "Biden was wearing a wire" MEME that flooded out through Facebook and points West via Fox News and points further right. All part of the much documented Russkie disinformation push no doubt. These two ladies were great, but it's all so saddening. Not amphetaine-ketamine soaked tattooed fat-armed dripsacks draped in Confederate flags and swastikas clutching assault rifles with ear-buds and hand-held GPS playing toy soldiers, no. Just like a couple of aunts, reasonably articulate, big scarves, great nail jobs, utterly and irredeemably bonkers up top. It's fairly well established now that most "Right" people use FB and other sites. Most apparent Trump supporters on Twitter are actually fake-bots it seems. The thing with these poor ladies and others is that they are simply never going to accept the truth if it runs counter to the stories burned into their heads after years of exposure. They cannot. It would start to blow the networks i...