
Showing posts from March, 2021

New Names Required for GOP and Tories

    Lest anyone be unsure as to the still remaining intentions of many the men remaining within what is still called the Republican Party in America, as well as their handmaidens in what is still called the Conservative Party in England. They were tolerated and often silently agreed with by many in those groups/parties over the years and decades.   Ten years ago they started to steadily accelerate the money, hoping the time was right. Nazism in Deutschland was essentially a gangster regime, deeply envious and resentful towards The British Empire, wanting it's share of the spoils. This is precisely what happened in that decade we all learned about and thought could not occur again. Do not believe it. No-one was prepared to stop it then and many now cry "Wolf" now. No-one used the phrase "Conspiracy Theories" in 1934. It is very simple. One is either with it or against it. There is no flexible "middle ground". That's called "accomm...