Prince Andy-Panky

After his recent pathetic BBC Interview with Emily Maitlis, Prince Andy-Panky was no doubt keen to get back to one of his many "Business Ventures" such as that involving Libyan gun runners, just one example of those facilitated through his links to Jeffrey Epstein and many others in that network.

When the scrofulous Panky claimed he was at a Pizza Express party rather than boning the teenager (no doubt all on camera and sound) as she claims, I found it most amusing that someone had replaced the word (Lolita) with "Pizza". Most amusing. Hats off to the scriptwriter.

Epstein was basically a highly intelligent deluded, half-crazy individual who was offered the opportunity to work in getting things done on the ground to create "Honey Traps" for a very wide variety of public figures, politicians and industrialists. He did not do it on his own. They do know how to pick them these Intel/Mafiosi outfits. They know the operator profiles needed. In addition he was a dirty little fucker (which helps) and a weird son-of-a-gun who was fascinated by "Transhumanism", a wacky hole you should not go down unless you want to be seriously worried. Basically he wanted to "seed" as many suitable virgins as possible with his powerful DNA and then have his head and chunky balls frozen for the benefit of the future of the human race. Very keen on Eugenics. Peculiar political views. Perfect!! (They said).

As hinted below, the line of enquiry from Epstein rearwards in time goes all the way back to Robert Maxwell ("Captain Bob"), who was there at the heart of the beast until he had to be disposed off having reached the end of the line.

This article is very much in the realm of "Conspiracy Theories", no doubt, from 2002, but as time has moved on, it becomes quite surprising how many items mentioned here have been shown to be entirely plausible:

As they say, without a Theory to start with, you cannot determine the facts of The Law thus derived.

New York Times (2019), “Jeffrey Epstein Hoped to Seed Human Race With His DNA”, 31st July 2019.

Libyan gun smuggler Tarek Kaituni and Britain's Special Representative for International Trade and Investment 

Despite believing in the principles stated here, I have always realised that this will not happen in England for a very, very long time:


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