Passports for Sale

Part of the reason for many people's dislike and mistrust of the whole second nationality/second passport farce is down to this sort of Maltese/Cypriot/Moldovan/Montenegro "Global Citizen" farce. At last this deeply corrupt man and his gang of crooks are out. They have been selling European citizenship to anyone who can pay for a long time. A new government should ensure they go to jail.

It is noteworthy that the BBC, including senior people such as the slightly dopey John Simpson and Jon "Trump's Mexican Wall" Sopel and several others have been soft-pedalling the disgusting story of Daphne Caruana Galizia's brutal murder for years and accepting appearance money. Not good.

Naturally, those who enriched these crooks with "wealth" will have covered their tracks and removed themselves and most evidence a long time ago.

Ernst & Young of course, one of the big four accountancy firms who will do almost anything for anyone for fees and the awful passport brokerage Henley & Partners. The usual suspects here, but Austria and Turkey play the game and of course a London Passport is highly prized by those with the cash to buy one: Of course if countries allow it to be legal for drug dealers, people traffickers and other fine upstanding potential citizens to do this, then who can blame people like Henley for making a profit from it?

Perhaps questions should increasingly be asked about the actions of one or two others who may need investigating and brought to people's attention: 

Conservative Home (2018), “Lord Ashcroft: Special Report – Malta Makes a Strong Case to Host the EU Outposts of British Companies after Brexit”, 28th June 2018.


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