Meghan and Harry Leave The Family Firm

It seems there has been a right Royal agreement. How absolutely marvellous. It also appears the Meghan actress will never again set foot in Britain and only deigned to join the "Crisis Meeting" with the Queen via SKYPE from Toronto. Bet that went down well. Sign of the times, but it will take a massive shift in public opinion in Britain to get a proper new modern Republic. Support for that (~20%) has been falling for years under a terrific mighty onslaught from the UK press/media, which as known is owned by a variety of successful businesspersons, pornographers and old tax exiles etc. etc. Here is an informative piece of writing about the owners of the Daily Telegraph, the bizarre, secretive Barclay Bro twins, who live together in their purpose-built castle with monogrammed drainpipes on their own private Channel Island called Sark and are technically resident in Monaco. Big Royalists. A Conservative news organ with still such influence, yet owned by these loons since 2004. How very 21st century England:

They can go and live in Spitsbergen in a Yurt for all I care, I could not give a single Tinker's Toss. My grandfather (paternal) taught me the Monarchic system in England were "his enemy" after the events of 1926 -1930 in the NE coalfields. I never really entirely took him at his word. 

The Family are the top of a very large floating excessively powerful iceberg, even now in 2020, much to my ongoing faint shock and surprise. The submerged part is very much lower key now and has changed hugely, but it's still there, unique in Europe, or not in Europe, soon, soon Albion shall be free to exploit and trade again, just like the old East India Company days!!! Hurrah! That's the idea. Empire 2.0 Transatlantic reboot. Cabillaud a la Atlantique  with Russkie side salad and an Arabic tinge from Qatar KSR/UAE lovelies.

A Right Royal Country then Albion, "Singapore-on-Thames run by a curious mix of "corporate interests", Russkie "Banks" & Oligos, Silicon Valley NuTz, some Arab money, a smattering of rogue ex and non-ex MI6 agents, arms dealers and traffickers of various hues roving globalised international asset holders (?), drug & crime laundro-Bitcoin runners. But Hey!!! at least there are still "The Royals" topping the whole thing off. Something to be proud of. 

The British media loves nothing more than a "Celeb" or Royals story to keep everyone occupied and really on top of things. They are moving to NYC, probably because Meghan (is she Canadian?) got so badly and horribly treated by the UK press and media when she decided to join "The Company". Maybe it's because she's a bit, how can I put it, BLACK and the usual Gold-digger like the others, you know the simpering one with the legs whose given the tall one some babies and Lady Di who blotted her copybook by teaming up with any fellow carrying at least 10 Million, and/or a shareholding in Harrods and a polo stick. What a crowd.

This is much, much more than a handful at the top who get the Celeb headlines. try this out for size: Jonathan Aiken (Le Cercle Chairman 1993-1996) and sweet Miss Petrina Khasshogi. And Johnny a priest now too!! Dublin born and a good catholic too. Did his time in Penitentiary. He's about a third the way down the crooked fucking iceberg. Check out the annual meetings. Last year in Bahrain! Bit hot.

What's all this to do with the British Royal Family I hear those Old Traditionalists of a deeply conservative and patriotic bent cry. Well, they are the Company decorative leaders are they not, although Andy-Pandy is No. 8 in line to the seat which is about as likely as a chocolate fireguard in view of what he has been up to and it's probably not just smoking viagra with 16 year olds.

Only Catholics in Le Cercle now! Those with very decent contacts Old Fruit and some experience in back door arming of countries like say Iraq perhaps, keep those Persians at bay. May as well throw them some arms and tanks and whatnot too.

Here is an extract from a rant from quite a few years ago now about what The Company actually owns, which includes the entire seabed surrounding Great Britain.

A tiny minority exploits British society. 160,000 families, 0.3% of the population, own 37 million acres, two thirds of Britain, 230 acres each. Just 1,252 of them own 57% of Scotland. They pay no land tax. Instead every government gives them £2.3 billion a year and the EU gives them a further £2 billion. Each family gets £26,875.
By contrast, 57.5 million of us pay £10 billion a year in council tax, a land tax, £550 per household. We live in 24 million homes on about four million acres. 65% of homes are privately owned, so 16 million of us own just 2.8 million acres, an average 0.18 acres each.
The top landowners are the Forestry Commission, 2.6 million acres, the Ministry of Defence 750,000, the royal family 670,000 (including the Crown Estate 400,000 and the Duchy of Cornwall 141,000), the National Trust 550,000, insurance companies 500,000, the utility companies 500,000, the Duke of Buccleuch 270,700, the National Trust for Scotland 176,287, the Dukedom of Atholl 148,000, the Duke of Westminster 140,000 and the Church of England 135,000.
The Forestry Commission, Britain's biggest single landowner, runs its holdings conservatively and secretively. We could expand the forest estate by a million acres a year, producing rural jobs, getting profits from the sale of wood and pulp (cutting our balance of payments deficit) and reducing the output of greenhouse gases. This would cost between £588 million and £750 million.
Through the 18th century enclosures, the landowning class stole eight million acres from the people. They still hide their crimes and their takings. The 1872 Return of Owners of Land was made, but then hidden and never updated. Shares have to be registered; land doesn't. The Land Registry does not know who owns between 30 and 50% of land.
Compare Britain with other countries where the feudal tenure of land was ended. Denmark redistributed its land to the peasantry in 1800. In Ireland, in 1876, 616 landowners owned 80% of the country. By 1930, 13 million acres of Ireland's 20 million acres had been sold to owner-occupiers. Now, there are no landlords - home ownership is 82%, Ireland's 149,500 farms are 97% owner-occupied and owner-farmed, there is no poll tax, water is free and pensioners get free transport.  


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