Nine Tipping Points - The Three Poisons

 The time to take any solace whatsoever from small snippets of news like this is long, long gone:
Emissions have been pretty much flat for 7 years now. Not enough is being done. To achieve below even the 2 degree rise target there will now need to be Carbon Dioxide extraction for decades and even with that happening, to whatever degree, there will be Sea Level Rises as predicted and all that entails, together with the weather alterations.

Poor old humankind pays for it's excessive attachment to "The Three Poisons". How much depends upon how quickly it weans itself off them. It has been long known. 

The Three Poisons: The basic causes of suffering are known as the Three Poisons: greed, ignorance and hatred. These are often represented as a rooster (greed), a pig (ignorance) and a snake (hatred). In the Pali language, which is the language of the Buddha, these three creatures are known as lobha (greed), moha (ignorance) and dosa (hatred).

All suffering is ultimately caused by these human urges. People might suffer because they cannot accept change (viparinama-dukkha) or because they have become attached to possessions or sensation (sankhara-dukkha). However, the roots of all suffering are greed, ignorance and hatred.
Personally I believe Dosa (or the Sanskrit Dvesha) refers to Hostility since "hate" is too strong a word in an English context.


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