Ring Around The Rosie

Recalled from playgrounds of the 1960s, just to cheer everyone up (we used to sing "Ring-a-ring-a roses"). Thankfully work and research into the defeat of the present version of Plague can be a great deal more scientific once the old Business-as-Usual thinking on consumption & money has been Bagged & Binned and the terrible ongoing Hybrid Battle against crime and corruption becomes at least a tide-turned situation.

"Nothing New Under The Sun"
"Money is the Root of All Evil"

Since the Bank of England admitted completely without reservation in a landmark paper by 3 of their staff in March 2014 that "All Money is now Credit". Conclusions can be drawn as to the true nature of what that meant for any conventional economic theory (and they knew those old theories had effectively expired, were worthless). It was all explained here by David Graeber in March 2014 and the original paper is quite clear:


Ring around the rosie,
[refers to the rosie-red (or purple-ish) round rash marks on the skin —one of the first signs a person had the plague]
A pocket full of posies;
[one of the superstitious ways used by people in the Middle Ages to try and fend off the plague was to stuff their pockets with posies (flowers)]
Atischoo, atischoo,
[sneezing was also an early sign of the plague if it was a pneumonic plague; however, not all types of plague involved sneezing]
or, Ashes, ashes
[the dead were often cremated]
We all fall down.
[most of the people strickened with the plague died]


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