Sawtooth Trading

Some fellows and various "groups" of varying shades of white, grey and black hats will have been having a very fun and profitable time during this COVID boosted "VIX" period: [Slide bar allows magnification of timeline].

Whether what we are seeing is "Sawtooth Trading" or not remains to be proven, but there have been a few sharp plunges and jumps since the show started. We have been told for years by those in the know that the next one would be driven by bots and algorithms.

Three of the best series I have ever seen have alluded or hypothesised about a sort of "Feedback Loop" market crash "play" in recent years. i.e when The Black Swan arrives, we are ready to roll and when it kicks off we shall play the rollercoaster and drive it just a little ourselves to our advantage (Conspiracy Theory No. 42g). I have to admit to having watched all of these seasons in the last 2 years. Well it's better than watching yet more syrupy nostalgia saturated shit about Queen Victoria's butlers, boring people dressed from the 19th century walking around stately homes in England pointing at maps coloured pink, or anything at all with Mister D'Arcy in it.

This is a Black Swan linked scenario worth thinking about, especially in these times of HFT bot-trading, blockchain and so on.

There will no doubt be a time when the whole way in which companies are "traded" will be completely overhauled to a safer, fairer much less abused way of arranging such changes, post-COVID of course, beyond these terrible decades where Money has been pushed to become a false credit chimera of, generated out of nothing.

As any "Economist" knows, for that conventional thinking, all credit was supposed to have it's balance sheet debt equivalent. Not any more it doesn't, not for some time. Bin the whole damn greed-driven system. It does not work any more. It is dangerous now, and very bad. The planet cannot take it any more.
  1. Mr. Robot [4 series]
  2. Billions [5 series]
  3. Black Mirror [5 series]
All of these, in their own separate ways, were quite brilliant, but some definitely not for the faint-hearted, or those who "don't believe" in the existence of Dark Money and the bad people who increasingly mess around with it, to the severe detriment of the majority. 


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