Air Pollution Links to SARS-COV-2

New Study to add to Harvard work and N. Italian analysis. Correlation, not yet causal link. Italy (North), Spain, Germany, UK and these early studies show it's pretty obvious what's been happening. These papers are a bit rough, which shows they throw these together very quickly, then out online. Impressive, proper Open Source stuff. No doubt people working at this for rest of 2020. Not the oilers, free marketeer resisters or academics in KSA or Rossiya.

"The spatial analysis has been conducted on a regional scale and combined with the number of death cases taken from 66 administrative regions in Italy, Spain, France and Germany. Results show that out of the 4443 fatality cases, 3487 (78%) were in five regions located in north Italy and central Spain. Additionally, the same five regions show the highest NO2 concentrations combined with downwards airflow which prevent an efficient dispersion of air pollution. These results indicate that the long-term exposure to this pollutant may be one of the most important contributors to fatality caused by the COVID-19 virus in these regions and maybe across the whole world".

There must be: (a) Disappearance of petrol and diesel vehicles, ASAP; (b) Accelerated shift to car free cities and towns.
Bye-Bye petrolheads. Evidence shows clearly there is always resistance to this from the usual people, which will continue but hopefully reduce in vociferousness and effect.


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