"Kroning" - Management Jargon Bullshit

Management Jargon Bullshit. Wastes huge amounts of people's time. Initially came from US defense industry, late 1960s, more specifically US Air Force, always regarded as superior intellectuals by the US Army [am I right Major?]. Both often seemed equally dismissive of US Navy boatpeople, but at bottom were always US Army "grunts" and especially USACE (Engineers).

Some bright spark thought it GREAT to adapt phraseology about fixing planes on time to general business matters. This "funky" Mission Critical pap then got badly metamophosed by another genus of bullshitters in California (mostly) by people from outfits like Pacific Bell which is where Scott Adams of Dilbert fame got many ideas. He worked there for 17 years I think. There was then further HONING of crapola through the 1980s by hordes of MBA teachers eager to teach people how to speak about making cash on the back of the Hayek/Freidman made up Chicago School of Economic Theory and Plain Lies  - shit.

Then it all became horribly hybridised and twisted by the 1980s-1990s "Business Administration" institutions and the result was the need to clean it all up if you can and vast wafts of convoluted deliberately cloudy language, designed to sound smart, but actually masking a vague sort of louche ignorance.

These the main pair of sources for it all in my opinion: Charles Krone and the GE "Blue Book". Deep roots. Pretentious. Horrible consequences.


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