A Complex Hybrid War Waged Since 2014

People need to stop referring to Russia’s ongoing hybrid warfare against the U.S. as “election meddling.” Putin isn’t a “Karen” sticking his nose in America’s democratic process.

He’s a mob boss who runs a nuclear-armed mafia state and his goal is to destroy the United States.twitter.com/AlexandraChalup/status/1275609244352614400 The post-Trump, post-Crooked Tories fightbacks will need to entail pushing back against the current state-of-affairs very strongly for many years to come. 
The US may have strong enough structure and institutions, security apparatus to achieve this, despite past "events", but UK may be too late to bring this about, assuming it's government has been too badly compromised, corrupted and weakened.
a) Foreign Affairs (2020), "The Rise of Strategic Corruption: How States Weaponize Graft", July/August 2020: www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-06-09/rise-strategic-corruption
"Meanwhile, because of the deregulation of the global financial system during the 1970s and 1980s, it was much easier to move and invest money in all directions and be able to get it back out again. Open and prosperous countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States were becoming the preferred shelters for the billions of dollars that every year are laundered through anonymized companies, real estate investments, and other schemes".
b) Window on Eurasia 2, (2020), "FSB Now Controls All Key Government Institutions in Russia, Dossier Center Report Says", 13th June 2020: windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2020/06/fsb-now-controls-all-key-government.html
1.        Influence of the FSB on the political and economic spheres exceeds its constitutional authority.”
2.        Vladimir Putin directs its operations both via the head of the FSB and through orders to Aleksandr Borotnikov’s nominal subordinates.
3.        “The president relies ever more heavily on information received from the FSB.”
4.        Other senior officials also play a role in directing the FSB’s activities.
5.        Over the last ten years, the FSB, primarily by making use of force has established control over almost all government institutions.
6.        “The methods used by the FSB often violate the constitutional rights of citizens and feature some of the worst practices from the times of the KGB.”
7.        “Representatives of the FSB systematically participate in corrupt activity, often organising and directing that which the special service is supposedly fighting against.”
8.        Lower-ranking FSB officers follow the practice of their bosses and engage in personal corruption too.
9.        “The FSB fulfils the functions of a repressive apparatus” used both against opponents of the regime and various clans competing for power within the regime.


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