Inverted Totalitarianism - 21st Century Style

Inverted Totalitarianism - 21st Century Style This is how it could happen. The change will almost certainly be bound to seem, feel and appear utterly different to that which occurred on previous occasions, most notably of course in the 1930s. Following the end of WWII, journalist Milton Mayer investigated how Germany had become a totalitarian state. He wanted to know why Germans didn’t stand up for their rights as Adolf Hitler’s Nationalist Socialist Party amassed power and drove the country to war, (Ref. 3). This world is so very different however. The change is faster, easier in an internet age. Simpler, digitally nominated globalised "money" is increasingly able to be created and moved in vast quantities, with fewer links to the realities of the governed world of nation states. Propaganda and ideas can be transmitted in a flash, with minds able to be altered and changed at a rapid pace. There is undoubtedly a developing large gap, which started to gestate and grow t...