Sunni Days

All boys together! Sunni days. No surprises, good point made for Bahrain being a "weather balloon" for MBS and his vicious al--Facisti regime in KSR, assisted, armed and money-facilitated by gun-running, money cleansing lawyer-accounts-banky pals in Londongrad via Moskva brain-central. Bet Putin has a really big Siamese white cat really, you just never see him out with it in daylight. Still, Putey-pie has to play his game to keep most of those melting Arctic/Siberian gas mega-fields, Kamchatka and points rest. For now anyway. A deal is a deal. Those Chinkies think Russkies are just Europeans with snow and vodka anyway.

I suppose prospects of planetary power and big loot thicker and decidedly more valued than the Holy words of Allah/Yahweh or even Jesus-Christ's fucking pater himself for these boys. It most surely is. Plus, Allah willing, much revenge with our equally vengeance fuelled Chinese/Russkie allies in sating the burning memories of our dearest proud fathers upon those filthy dollar-waving Americans and smouldering ashes of the arrogant British Empire who treated we proud sons-of-the-desert like shit-towels for so many decades. Bibi's corporate spy Likudistas now run by Moskva, join the club already why not. To the depths of the sea with your Democracies!! (OK bit much, but maybe one or two think like that?)

I wonder what MBS, Bibi, Jared, Lavrov and their criminal/billionaire friends have in mind for those pesky Palestinian children stinking away in Gaza and spoiling the West Bank plans? We allow them clear West Bank expansions and they help with some missile-tech and spies? That evil little string of hoodlum-pus Kushner is top of Greg Olear's list of traitors (No. 1!) and no doubt those diligent Chinese want to carry on their commercial/domination plans in a region decently quieted by their Russkie gangster henchmen - what's next I wonder as the West Coast burns like a gigantic barbecue fire and The Germ kicks off on Wave 2?

I know, I know - Conspiracy Theories, Conspiracy Facts, who cares. Why cannot it all just go away so we can have sweet times deserved, those imagined and worked so hard for, such well laid plans of Men and/or Mice, but bad roads taken have a way of getting darker if wrong choices picked. It's just tough shit basically, all that Wheel of Dharma/Wheel of Fortune effluent again - sigh. Why can things not turn out nice and all those nasties go away. Bless.


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