Duke of Cumberland's BBC Propaganda Mouthpiece

Andrew Marr Vs Nicola Sturgeon on the BBC 29th November 2020. This "campaign" to generate ill-will in England so as to allow a reaction in Scotland to ensure that Scotland is either much weaker and rudderless or just leaves. What do they care which way?

The recent BBC/Telegraph Tory-ERG misinformation works best on those primed and ready to play. Today's wee encounter showing "COVID-19 data" was laughable. Eight carefully picked ONS single numbers in a simpler table. [N.B. COVID-19 on Death Certificate; two different countries and different rule sets] Jeepers Creepers. Disgraceful!! www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1366015/BBC-Andrew-Marr-Nicola-Sturgeon-Scotland-Covid-death-rate-coronavirus-SNP-latest-news-vn

What a joke! but it's not a joke is it.  Still, let's fuel the fires of bigotry shall we. Marr is ridiculously biased in so many areas. Should be shocked but not any more knowing how many personnel changes there have been at BBC in last 10 years and in which direction. Written by ex senior BBC employee: dorseteye.com/bbc-now-no-more-than-ventriloquists-dummy/ It will not last or succeed I suspect, although in many ways UK is worse on this even than the GOP are/were.

The two OWID charts below for last month show a different story to that attempted rather pathetically by the BBC today, plus of course the broader picture of the full timeline. That discrepancy  is because those who advise his show  have an anti-Scottish, anti-SNP "theme" to put out to counter the strong show of Independence poll results. That exercise has been ongoing for about 2 weeks through the BBC. 

Those who take this crap at face value unquestioningly are effectively part of it, albeit in a small way. It took three full minutes to check out the OWID data and screen shot 2 charts 1 month apart for the truth.

Unfortunately if someone wished to deny or argue about what was said on a Marr show, there are now few outlets where that, can be done. That is basically part of the reason the 2016 referendum and 2019 election went the way it did, plus a few other little tricks of the trade on illegal tampering, gerrymandering, electoral register fiddling and a host of other tricks of course.

Have not watched BBC News this year once. Many of the required "messages" are not to be trusted. Belief in the BBC's news related honesty and objectivity in 2020 is gone. Marr and  Kuenssberg (the worst pair) are no longer Journalists, simply screen mouthpieces spouting messages on behalf of those who want everything in England in private hands - theirs. Some of those messages are outright lies, some simply what good propaganda usually is, part-true, embedded falsehoods. This is "Proto-Fascism" 21st Century English style.

It is saddening when an important and iconic organisation formerly respected throughout the world is reduced to this. There are so many examples over recent few years and it's worsened since December 2019. Words I imagine in my youth I would never say: "Do not trust the BBC any more". There is a company known as Faculty AI. Marc Warner was "recruited" by Dominic Cummings. They are the people who were Cummings - Vote Leave - organisation's Lies and Propaganda technicians. Horrific.

"Four tech firms were named in the blog. Three are US-based: Microsoft, Google and Palantir. The fourth is Faculty AI, which is headquartered in London. Amazon was not referenced but the BBC has confirmed that it is also involved. The NHS intends to add details of the company's role later". 28th March 2020: www.bbc.com/news/technology-52079287

That Money Men/Telegraph/ERG line is developed in a recent article by one of the best Investigative Journalists I know. 

Canary (2020) "Firm that ran Fake News Advertising for Brexit Campaign is Rebranded as ‘Safety Tech’ Expert", 


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