Swedish COVID Deflection


       The recent series of anti-Swedish articles in the right-wing British media (Ref. 1) on that country’s government actions on COVID-19 has been noteworthy. The timing was clearly planned to match the Scottish National Party conference of the 28th to 30th November. A main thread of these arguments has been about “U-turns” in several areas, particularly regarding school attendance and exclusion for example. The UK Government has "U-turned" and come in for some criticism on education matters recently. The Express and Star is good example of a local news outlet in the English Midlands which at least can still probably be trusted, provides an example of this (Ref. 2).
       A distinct trend has been observed in recent years within one distinctive political party in England, demonstrating inconsistency, hypocrisy, lying, contradictory advice and increasingly scant provision of evidence. This is an inherent and necessary facet of a group whose brighter members and those behind-scenes know that if the plain truth were accepted, the game is over. Perversely and ironically this situation is due to the rapidly aging demographic profile of the English Conservative Party, whose increasingly nasty “philosophies” and developing selfishness-oriented principles have turned almost wholly on race demographics.plus denigration of the EU in general and specific European nations in particular Special tactics have therefore been required, partially adopted and tailored to British conditions. These have been fairly similar to those observed from US Republicans in recent times and are based upon well-worn "4-D" tactics (Ref. 3) of Dismiss, Distort, Distract and Dismay.
       An article was published on 30th November 2020 on “Conservative Home” a web-based propaganda source similar to many associated sites associated with the English political far right (Ref. 4). This takes a firm lead from former Deputy Chairman of Conservative Party between 2005 and 2010. Mr. Michael Ashcroft, patriotically based in Belize, is a powerful supporter of the Conservative Home organ, which notably put out an intense anti-Scottish message on COVID-19 a couple of days before focusing on Sweden on the same subject, on the very day the Scottish National Party conference finished. A similar thing was organised a few years ago at around the time of the Catalunya pre-independence vote. That influencing and support was eventually traced back to certain groups of people, formerly regarded as enemies of Spain and Britain. Expect more of this in the run up to a possible Scottish independence vote (Ref. 5).

        1. Financial Times (2020), “Sweden recommends children of Covid sufferers should stay at      home”, 1st December 2020.
2. Express and Star (2020), “Covid Restrictions Reversal is Latest in String of Government U-turns
3. Institute for European Studies (2016), “Dismiss, Distort, Distract and Dismay: Continuity and Change in Russian Disinformation”, Issue 2013/16, May 2016.
4. Conservative Home (2020), “Sweden – an Experiment Gone Terribly Wrong?”, 30th November 2020.
5. Politico (2020), "Russian group offered Catalan separatist leaders 10,000 soldiers, judge says", 28th October 2020.


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