The God-Like Powers of The Free Market Invisible Hand

Recent comments read about the marvels and wonders of individualism in the context of "Free Markets and Capitalism" started me thinking of passages from Ms Rand's strange and disturbing book Atlas Shrugged, which has had an influence upon quite a few males in the English-speaking world. If truth were told, probably too much influence from such an irrational and peculiar writer. The tendency in some to allocate supernatural "God-like" invisible hand powers to the phenomenon claimed to exist known as "Market Forces" also sprang to mind. That willingness to transfer and projection of responsibility for unpleasantness onto something fundamentally and necessarily unproveable, as a means of avoiding personal actions or even consideration: "An Act of Market Forces". Nothing we can do about that. What cowardly throwaway nonsense. At worst this could conjure up the old true meaning of the word “idiot” from the Greek “idiotes”, meaning “one’s own”. I...