Russian London Laundry
UK Parliamentary proceedings from 25th January 2021. Graeme Biggar, Director-General at the National Economic Crime Centre, NCA.
Not surprisingly, almost completely unreported in UK media generally, certainly not on the BBC, which essentially now is simply a mouthpiece for the Tory Party group in position. Curiously reported on the day in City AM, the freebie City newsheet and London Standard, Lebedev owned.
The hope is that UK has retained enough people in position of some honesty and integrity (as in the US one hopes) and that the system has managed to be kept at least somewhat intact to get cleaning up started in 2021. Harder in London than in US now, even though smaller scale. Ultimately my hope is for some form of “Govt. of National Unity”, but not very hopeful. It has penetrated a long way.
Double-header (see link @ end) with Craig Unger and Yuri Shvets, ex KGB Major who “defected” to US in early 1990s. Could see Miss Lincoln’s Bible was wary. This was the Auld Enemy. Shvets, intelligent, urbane, sharp, measured, could easily have been a Double/Triple. Maybe still is. “You never leave”, they say. Mentioned large amount of Kompromat held "in Moscow" on a large array of people, DVDs and urine samples. Trump felt first by KGB in 1977, married off to handlers. Staged development. No-one could believe he ended up at the top until very end. Claimed Vlad had now "lost it" and new regime worse than him. Could be yet more dizinfo. Who knows. He is featured largely in Unger’s new book American Kompromat, which goes into Maxwell, Opus Dei, the various groups, CNP, Heritage, Atlas etc. etc. who have not gone away and have influenced UK “situation” so heavily in last 10 years. Explained how they could not plan any of this whole US/UK attack far ahead.
City AM (2021),"Top Official Warns of 'Disturbing' Amount of Russian Money Laundering in UK", 25th January 2021.
Could not happen to a nicer bunch of people. A Mr. Steve Baker was present who will undoubtedly have been trying to figure out how this should not occur again within the Parliamentary system, which he and his friends have steadily undermining for years at each and every opportunity.
"ICIJ Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Combating Dark Money Flows"
Putin's Potus:
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