
Showing posts from April, 2021

Tory Lily Livered Liars Feathering Nests

  There is a large segment of British society, both home and abroad, who have not been able to gain from the terrible experiences of parents and grandparents. Through no fault of their own other than choices about how and what to learn, they never heard from an early age about any invasion of their country, never read about the desecration of their family homes and so were able to learn from that. It is no accident that Japan and Germany are two very stable successful countries now whereas Britain and America are going through various political and social turmoils and attempts at shifts to authoritarianism. In parts of mainly non-Celtic Britain, mostly within certain older parts of the moderately affluent Middle Classes, a sub-group of that deeply privileged sector received, then stoked a probably detrimental surfeit of jingoistic and ersatz "Patriotism" through much of a lifetime. It seems at times to be the very breathed air itself for those Johnnies. The results may ...

Blonde Bomshell Cyber-Security Acuri

  Blonde bombshell Acuri homed in on BOZO soon after "landing" in UK in 2011, often placing herself grinning and wiggling in the front row at conferences and seminars to which access was gained easily. Sasha-Borisova no doubt appreciates Ladies who he can jostle and rumble with on cheap sofas while she fiddles with his USB stick: "Arcuri is a technology entrepreneur who moved to the UK in 2011, according to The Sun, and founded three tech companies: Playbox Ltd., Innotech, and Hacker House. She is also a video producer and cyber security ethical hacker, according to her LinkedIn bio":   Sasha-Borisova's had his piece of Blackmail American Hot Totty, kept in the little shagapartment in Docklands he used to scuttle off to on his bike for a quickie or two with fizzy wine "sans MI5 escort" of course, just a 24 pack of ribbed strawberry flavour.  Good choice. But selected for the task by whom? Y...