Tory Lily Livered Liars Feathering Nests


There is a large segment of British society, both home and abroad, who have not been able to gain from the terrible experiences of parents and grandparents. Through no fault of their own other than choices about how and what to learn, they never heard from an early age about any invasion of their country, never read about the desecration of their family homes and so were able to learn from that. It is no accident that Japan and Germany are two very stable successful countries now whereas Britain and America are going through various political and social turmoils and attempts at shifts to authoritarianism.

In parts of mainly non-Celtic Britain, mostly within certain older parts of the moderately affluent Middle Classes, a sub-group of that deeply privileged sector received, then stoked a probably detrimental surfeit of jingoistic and ersatz "Patriotism" through much of a lifetime. It seems at times to be the very breathed air itself for those Johnnies. The results may be observed in some, even if this type of comportment, thinking and expression is nothing new in parts of England, it has merely sometimes risen and fallen in mankind like an ancient flow of wearisome blowhardiness.

Speaking of lily-livered liars, the relationship another fine, upstanding Prime Minister, Mr. D. Cameron had with China for the Belt and Road Initiative started via his "contacts" with HSBC, who have themselves been heavily involved, bless their greed-soaked little panties (Ref. 1). This is not common knowledge because it is just not. Mainly because it has been kept quiet. Cameron got straight into a nice well-lined bed with HSBC on leaving office. A decade. Obviously couldn’t have a job, but best next thing. Great-great grandfather was Chair of HSBC. Those things still run deep in that part of English society unfortunately, even if Empire is possibly not being fed by opium trading nowadays. One imagines the Chinese have long memories as well about the 19th century and their "century of shame at the hands of the Empire, perhaps worse than the Russkies, since that dismantling was rather more recent.

Like many in current government in UK who have many lucrative links with PRC, Russian Oligarchy, Saudi Arabia, UAE/Dubai and Qatar, grown mainly over the last decade, this is deep, widespread and serious. These Johnnies dishonestly convinced themselves it was all simply "good business". That dishonesty, the lying and the lack of any meaningful principles and/or conviction has allowed the opening up of vulnerabilities for exploitation and the opposition damn well saw it. There is a large and increasing amount of money involved, both personally and to the "Party". The British Parliament has effectively become castrated, uniformed and blinded. The point in time when this came home to me personally was when the detailed Intelligence and Security Committe Report on Russia ordered to be printed on 21st July 2020 was utterly ignored by the government in power still today. Completely ignored. This a report that had been completed some considerable time earlier. Several of the MPs on that committee were deeply affected by that event and no doubt understood the seriousness and also understood the problems behind it being largely unreported by certain outlets and indeed individual people.

This tells anyone with half a mind to know that something odd was happening, although not the blinkered who ignore. As a result, it is not melodramatic to suggest that the effect of the requirements/demands placed by these links show through the strange and disturbing fact that democracy is being destroyed in small steps in plain sight in the UK right now and yet most people - including the "intelligentsia" - either aren't noticing or are noticing and sticking heads in the sand. The average person is fucked good and proper if they rely on the now truly damaged and shitty press, media and BBC. Never mind. Plenty of silly Royal Sally and Harry affairs to take over from reality when reading about The Plague Germ palls. Anything but the DRIP....DRIP....DRIP truth of it all. (Ref. 2)

[1]: Silk Road Briefing 5th January 2018.

[2] World Crunch (2020), "Hannah Arendt, Redux: The Enduring Power Of The Political Lie"

"In 1945, Arendt observed that fascism was an absolute lie, with horrendous political consequences. The German-American philosopher and political theorist believed that reality is malleable. It can be remolded, unlike the truth. She saw no sense in arguing with fascists when their aim was to give their lies a "post-facto base in reality" and to destroy the truth, rather than just hide it".


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