
Showing posts from December, 2019

Rising Wealth Inequality and the Growth of an Ecosystem of Fake

Political forces at work at a national level were highly important in determining how incomes have become distributed after the major changes of the early 1980s in the English speaking economies. A universal trend of increasing inequality everywhere would be in line with the notion that inequality is determined primarily by global market forces and technological progress. However, the reality of two markedly different inequality trends, namely the “Anglo-U” versus the “Euro-L” suggests that institutional and political frameworks in different countries have played a substantial if not dominant role. In other words, inequality is not inevitable, it has in fact been driven by policies and actions. Many conventional City Tory economists will loath the sight of the two papers listed below. The second immediately signals criticism of Her Majesty Queen Thatcher, so will probably not be...

Getting BARXIT Done

At least all the Projected Hot Air should start to die down and the IEA, ERG, Atlas and Heritage Foundations can start to complete their "Grand Projet" started all those years (decades) ago and we can all get some bloody peace and quiet.  Sir Antony Fisher, the godfather of the Atlas Foundation Network, was also the father of Linda Whetstone, who is now Chair of the entire 400+ "think tanks" of the Atlas Foundation. It's fair to say that Antony and his old gang of chums back in the 60s and 70s had some "unusual political opinions" and considerable and powerful international connections in certain areas related to security, political influence and finance. The Lovely Linda spoke most notably at the 1978 Tory Party Conference: BBC - Adam Curtis, Linda Whetstone speaking at the Conservative Party Conference 1978 Linda Whetstone speaking at the Conservative Party Conference 1978 ...

Passports for Sale

Part of the reason for many people's dislike and mistrust of the whole second nationality/second passport farce is down to this sort of Maltese/Cypriot/Moldovan/Montenegro "Global Citizen" farce. At last this deeply corrupt man and his gang of crooks are out. They have been selling European citizenship to anyone who can pay for a long time. A new government should ensure they go to jail. It is noteworthy that the BBC, including senior people such as the slightly dopey John Simpson and Jon "Trump's Mexican Wall" Sopel and several others have been soft-pedalling the disgusting story of Daphne Caruana Galizia's brutal murder for years and accepting appearance money. Not good. Naturally, those who enriched these crooks with "wealth" will have covered their tracks and removed themselves and most evidence a long time ago. Ernst & Young of course, one of the big four accountancy firms who will do almost anything for anyone for fees a...