Rising Wealth Inequality and the Growth of an Ecosystem of Fake

Political forces at work at a national level were highly important in determining how incomes have become distributed after the major changes of the early 1980s in the English speaking economies. A universal trend of increasing inequality everywhere would be in line with the notion that inequality is determined primarily by global market forces and technological progress. However, the reality of two markedly different inequality trends, namely the “Anglo-U” versus the “Euro-L” suggests that institutional and political frameworks in different countries have played a substantial if not dominant role. In other words, inequality is not inevitable, it has in fact been driven by policies and actions. medium.com/@K_Gallowglaich/rising-wealth-inequality-and-the-growth-of-an-ecosystem-of-fake-104bae5e12d5 Many conventional City Tory economists will loath the sight of the two papers listed below. The second immediately signals criticism of Her Majesty Queen Thatcher, so will probably not be...