Getting BARXIT Done

At least all the Projected Hot Air should start to die down and the IEA, ERG, Atlas and Heritage Foundations can start to complete their "Grand Projet" started all those years (decades) ago and we can all get some bloody peace and quiet. 

Sir Antony Fisher, the godfather of the Atlas Foundation Network, was also the father of Linda Whetstone, who is now Chair of the entire 400+ "think tanks" of the Atlas Foundation. It's fair to say that Antony and his old gang of chums back in the 60s and 70s had some "unusual political opinions" and considerable and powerful international connections in certain areas related to security, political influence and finance.

The Lovely Linda spoke most notably at the 1978 Tory Party Conference: 
Rachel Whetstone, Linda's daughter, Sir Antony's granddaughter, is married to Steve Hilton, ex Cameron spin-doctor. Rachel was with Facebook for a year 2017-2018 as "VP Comms". She was previously with Uber, Google and is now with Netflix. Lives in California with the odd little Stevie, Dave's old "spin-doctor". Quite an interesting and talented Lady with an absolutely driven motivation, one might even say a quite bit of zeal going on there:

I have met precisely two people in Britain over the last 10 years who know who the Whetsones and Sir Antony Fisher are/were and what they get up to and for whom and what the Atlas and heritage Foundations are and who funds them. Maybe just mixing in wrong circles.

Oliver Letwin, The Times 1994: “Without Fisher, no IEA; without the IEA and its clones, no Thatcher and quite possibly no Reagan; without Reagan, no Star Wars; without Star Wars, no economic collapse of the Soviet Union. Quite a chain of consequences for a chicken farmer.”

Nigel Lawson, Financial Times 2016: "Increasingly we are bound by a growing corpus of EU regulation which, so long as we remain in the bloc, we cannot touch. Brexit gives us the opportunity to address this; to make the UK the most dynamic and freest country in the whole of Europe: in a word, to finish the job that Margaret Thatcher started".
Ah Yes, "Fatty" Lawson. Took the Exxon dollars through Nigel Vinson, Neil Record, Michael Hintze and a host of others and pushed pretty vicious Climate Denial hard through the Heritage Foundation backed ludicrously named "Global Warming Policy Foundation". Now lives in France with his cats and collection of ladies underwear, allegedly, so I am told. 


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