Edward Teller - It Transmits Visible Light but it Absorbs the Infrared Radiation which is Emitted from the Earth
After decades of secrecy, lies and propaganda, here we are today. They are going to pay for their action in a very big way and if I can play even a tiny part in that, knowing what I know now, I certainly would.
See Findings on p. 24-25: Center for International Environmental Law [CIEL] (2017), “Smoke and Fumes: The Legal and Evidentiary Basis for Holding Big Oil Accountable for the Climate Crisis”, November 2017, p.42.
Excerpts: www.smokeandfumes.org/documents/16
Add in all the lying and obfuscation, what is literally a crime against this magical planet and the creatures on it, is that THEY KNEW. The oil and auto industries damn well knew in 1968. In fact nuclear physicist Edward Teller, former colleague of Robert Oppenheimer warned of it in 1959 in a speech on the centennial of the American Petroleum Institute and they covered it all up, locked the reports away and those men lied and obfuscated about the science for decades. They are going to pay for that in a big way and if I can play even a tiny part in that, knowing what I know now, I certainly would and will.
I came to understand some time ago that many people just do not understand or were never taught the basic science as to how this damn "Greenhouse Effect" actually works. I certainly did not 10 years ago. Later in life, why find out what all these "experts" and "scientists" are banging on about. That has been a terrible thing.
The 0.037% CO2 (~410 ppm currently) content in clean air is there to allow the planet to exist and survive. Without it nothing would live at -18 C. The physics involved is complex, as this paper shows from Joanna Haigh at Imperial College and Grantham Institute, published in the UK Royal Meteorological Society journal in 2013. Haigh is a major expert in the field, retired in May this year: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joanna_Haigh. I suspect she would be unable to listen to the "it's good for plants" stuff without throwing up. It is about time some people started trusting such individuals again and stopped calling them liars who make stuff up to get more money. Others do that rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/wea.2072
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