COVID-19 and Urban Air Pollution

People are already starting to see the benefits of reduced air pollution. Surprised? Should not be really. NO MORE OIL WARS. Get rid of IC and diesel vehicles now! Just do it.
This was a zero-brainer before this latest CoronaVirus came along, something that has been warned about since SARS by the way, this Black Swan was foreseen by some, but the message was not exactly pushed hard was it? I wonder why? Surprise!! Bastard Heritage Foundation fossil-fuel sons-of-bitches... Also easy to see 2/3 years ago why the Trumpoids were so keen on obliterating the EPA to destroy all air quality and emissions monitoring and regulatory limits.
This was/is fossil fuel "representatives" and money plus associated gaggles of politically motivated dinosaur "useful idiot" nitwits claiming it was best to "wait-and-see". Jesus H Kristos almighty.... you only had to walk around central and West London for 30 minutes on a Summer's day to know it was hellish:
Evening Standard (2019), " London Air Pollution: What is PM2.5 and NO2? How Can we Improve air Quality in the City?
  1. A main source of PM2.5 is vehicle emissions. PM2.5 is also considered dangerous to humans, because the tiny particles can bypass the nose and throat (which filter out larger particles) and can lodge in people’s lungs.
  2. NO2 is a gas which is largely produced by the burning of fuel. Emissions from cars – particularly diesel-run engines – are generally recognised as the main sources of NO2. Breathing air with a high concentration of NO2 can cause irritation in the respiratory system. It can aggravate pre-existing conditions such as asthma and cause sufferers to be admitted to hospital.
This the latest from ARPA-E on things like Carbon Capture and Storage, Direct Air Capture technologies, Fusion Energy, amongst others. Once the Terrible Trumpites and Corrupted Conservatives are out, the economic shakeout has happened and some sort of younger 21st Century Governments with some honesty and integrity (Coalitions?) are in charge in both countries, we should see accelerations in Clean Energy, once some better modern economic models are adopted and seen to be good.


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