British Empire 2.0

Empire 2.0 is to be entirely Web-based, understated "Pirates" theme with minimal onshore locations required, just a few pretty islands/archipelagos [?] with some wildlife, nice birds and so on, yacht marina obv. maybe the odd beach for Pina Colada & cocaine time. But no wait. Hey! Kauai would be good with a decent escort agency, maybe an Aleutian Island (Umnak?) with fast broadband? Perhaps a Heads of Agreement could be thrashed out and there may be discussions laters. Let's see.

Not sure the proud unbroken English royal bloodline (or whatever) which goes back to some date or other (6th Century) will fully survive globally circulating images of two celeb. child abusers sitting on a pair of superb Royal Thrones, having been invited to by a third celebratory child-abuser of Royal blue blood (N.B. Of course it will survive in a new glowing Libertarian socialist-free island-state run as a digi-money throughfare laundromat for the globe! So proud). Let us be sure Queenie herself is not a past participant in such naughty baby-doll fun and games, not so sure about that hubby in days gone by. Chap may have been partial to the odd "special". The British aristocracy seem to have had a horrible predilection for this sort of thing over generations, gender irrelevant. Most be a deep-rooted reason. Maybe it's genetic?

Old Prince Andrew is such an arrogant poor dumbo. It must surely be genetic inbreeding (again).
Queen Elizabeth 2nd was in fact a very close friend and business confident of Ghislaine's powerful daddy Captain Bob, Big fat Bob was dragged across deck in his voluminous silk panties, injected with an immobiliser, then tossed bug-eyed into the foaming sea like an unwanted dogfish off a trawler stern, probably by Mossad agents, possibly others. Who can say. The authoritative sources suggest it could have been any one of KGB, Mossad, MI6 or who knows who else, such was his extensive reach and levels of crookedness. Maybe they all shared the costs and drew straws. These are no silly theories. These are matters of fact for those who care to find out. Would love to know what QE2's deal was to Donnie on the phone the other day. Maybe she offered him Scotland if this "unpleasantness" could all be put to bed by Pompeo and his CIA boogers. Palooka probably thinks that's where Greenland is even though his whacko "Mom" was born there. Maybe it's genetic?


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