Bernays - Propaganda - Needs Vs Wants

The curse of consumer "Materialism" in the wealthier countries is allied to the need to keep producing and selling to "feed the system". That has now led to the end-game of approaching probable mass fiscal default. The numbers have grown and the monetary situation has backed itself into a corner. What else could have happened without a major shift? The debt arithmetic defines it. The only real question is how - deliberate or accidental. Trillions given to cheap-labour China for mostly shitty goods all in the name of "free trade" and profits to feed their nice little global domination expansion machine did not help. Freud's nephew Edward Bernays first understood how this started in his remarkable work "Propaganda". He knew it as the point when different groups, societies, countries, transition from NEEDS to WANTS. This tail-end of that system still needs people to buy and consume and must advertise that fact incessantly and without end. Th...